26 novembre 2014

From the repaired human to the enhanced human: what kind of impacts on individual and society?

November 26, 2014 - SwissTech Convention Center - EPFL

Interdisciplinary conference programme

Version française


DANIEL LAUFER, pediatrician, associate Physician at the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), former Cantonal Doctor, member of the Pro Infirmis Vaud's committee

  • 9:00  Welcome – Registration
  • 9:30
    • Welcome message
      • NICOLE GRIN, President of Pro Infirmis Vaud
  • 9:35
    • Introduction
      • PATRICK AEBISCHER, Head of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL)
  • 9:45
    • Updated on technological innovation
      • GRÉGOIRE COURTINE, Professor, International Paraplegic Foundation Chair in Spinal Cord Repair, Neuroprosthesis Center, Brain Mind Institute, Faculty of Life Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, associate Physician at the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV)
  • 10:15
    • Therapeutic technology through a Disability studies and ability studies lens 
      • GREGOR WOLBRING, PhD associate Professor in community rehabilitation and disability studies at the University of Calgary, Canada
  • 10:45  Break
  • 11:00
    • Ethical questions
      • ALEXANDRE MAURON, Professor, bioethicist, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva
  • 11:30
    • Legal questions
      • CHARLES JOYE, Doctor in law, lawyer, substitute professor at the University of Lausanne / Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, member of the Pro Infirmis Vaud's committee
  • 12:15  Lunch – buffet
  • 13:15
    • Democratizing sciences and techniques: what is the role of the patients and related groups ?
      • ALAIN KAUFMANN, Sociologist and biologist, Head of the Sciences-society interface of the University of Lausanne
  • 13:30
    • Technologies and disability: from promises to reality
      • DANIELA CERQUI DUCRET, Responsible for education and research, anthropologist, University of Lausanne
  • 13:45
    • Paradigm of an augmented human : impact for amputees ?
      • VALENTINE GOURINAT, PhD student in ethics and life sciences, University of Strasbourg-CNRS, University Hospital of Lausanne, University of Lausanne
  • 14:00
    • From the perspective of the disabled
    • Introduction of the themes from the point of view of the disability field
      • BENOÎT REY, Head of the Department of Services French and Italian parts of Switzerland of Pro Infirmis, member of the Fribourg's Grand Council
    • View from disabled experts
      • BENOÎT THÉVENAZ, Elite sport performer
      • GÉRALD VOUILLOZ, Engineer in robotics
    • Progress in the disability field ?
      • PHILIPPE WEBER, Head of department, Pro Infirmis Vaud
  • 15:00
    • Funding of auxiliary means – a clarification
      • JEAN-PHILIPPE RUEGGER, President of the Healthcare and disability insurance offices conference, Head of healthcare and disability insurance office for the Vaud region
  • 15:15  Break
  • 15:30
    • Round-table
      • BERTRAND KIEFER, MD, Editor-in-chief of the Swiss Medical Review
  • 16:45
    • Meeting conclusion
      • ADRIANO PREVITALI, President of the Pro Infirmis Suisse office, associate Professor in constitutional law and in social insurance law at the University of Fribourg
  • 17:00 Closing of the interdisciplinary conference


  • 17:15
    • Documentary « FIXED: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement » from Regan Brashear, 2013 – With the participation of Pr Gregor Wolbring
    • Time for questions/answers relating to the documentary, moderated by Pr Gregor Wolbring
  • 18:30  End of the conference